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Everything You've Ever Wanted is on the Other Side of Fear

Happy New Year. Thank you George Addair for the great wisdom above.

So here we are again. A fresh new year. Sitting at the crossroads between making a firm commitment to “something better” and continuing down that “oh so comfortable” path.

Two things are certain.

One- the choice is yours. Think about that for a moment. You can choose which path you want to take. It’s really your choice. Now seriously, absorb that concept. I’ll wait.

Two- if you choose “something better”, you must expect more from yourself. Yes, this is true, you must put in the work.

So, for those content on walking down the “oh so comfortable” path, I urge you to reconsider. I’m specifically talking to you- you know who you are because I know you’re reading this.

First, decide on something you want to change. If you’re feeling ambitious, select two.

Some want to improve their health, while others would like to address their credit card debt.

Second, go ahead and give yourself permission to work for something better and do whatever you must to accomplish it. Whatever it might be, choose it. Commit to it. Then, get the help of others, if needed. The only thing holding you back is fear; and everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of it.